Mar 8, 2018 | Events
We are focused on building a strong community. Nothing strengthens our community ties more than a day with family and friends at Knox Hockey Club. Date: Sunday 25th March 2018 Time: 11am – 4pm Cost: $5 per person or $15 for a family (2 adults and 2 children) The...
Sep 20, 2017 | Events
It is that time of year again where Knox Hockey Club gets together to celebrate another season! We invite all seniors, masters and under 18’s players, coaches, supporters, family and friends to attend our Annual Presentation Dinner. This year it will be held at...
Feb 22, 2017 | Events
Family Fun Day is back!! On Sunday the 26th of March our Knox Hockey Club family will be getting together for a day of fun, food and hockey. Time: 11am-4pm Cost: $5 per head (This covers all carnival game and activities) Place: The Knox School, 220 Burwood Highway...