Round 18 home day

Get down to Knox Hockey Clubs home ground this Saturday from 12:30 to support our top teams battle it our for the last home and away game of the season. Men’s 2’s – 12:30 vs Casey – Currently 4th, chance of 3rd if they win Men’s 1’s – 2:00 vs Casey – Currently 1st, a...

Knox Hockey Trivia Night

To all players, parents and family members. The Knox Hockey Club’s annual Trivia Night is on Saturday 20th July.  The flyer and table booking sheet is on the notice board at the canteen.  So get your friends together and book a table now, there is only 10...

2019 Men’s Masters squads and round 1 fixture information

Hi everybody welcome to the new winter season here at Knox hockey club. Please see the attached squads list for the start of the season and find below the fixture for round 1. 2019 squads only. Monday 8th April 35BSE Vs Waverley 7pm @ Hedley hull field 45CSE Vs...

Knox Masters Season 2019 information

The winter season for 2019 is upon us with round 1 starting on 8th April 2019. In preparation for the upcoming season we will be running some get back into hockey sessions at the Knox ground starting 7.30 pm on the following dates.These sessions are available for both...

An Update On The Future of Knox Hockey Club

There have been a number of recent developments in the effort to secure a long-term home for the Knox Hockey Club (KHC) and I want to provide an update to all members and the community about what has been happening. The Immediate Future Last Friday, 27th April, was...

Community Awareness & Local Presence Subcommittee

As part of Knox Hockey Club’s ongoing work towards securing a long term future for the club we have put together a new subcommittee to improve our local presence, and increase the awareness of Knox Hockey Club within the community. Unfortunately a lot of people...